Earth Day
Earth Day Film: An Inconvenient Truth: A Global Warning (2006)
This 96 minute DVD will be shown in Folsom 105 Tuesday April 22 beginning at 6:30 with some time for discussion afterwards. It is being hosted by the Green Campus Action Committee. Please mark your calendars…even if you may have saw this before, it may be worth seeing again (I know I’m looking forward to it).
Don Zillman’s Environmental class (ENV 386) – Climate, Environment & Energy course is tentatively scheduled to be there and may be able to help answer questions. The committee is open to other experts in the field to help address any questions.
Library Exhibit
"Gardening with Nature" is the title of the display to be featured in the UMPI LIbrary exhibit case during April. Selected books will feature food, cover, and nesting sites for wildlife, as well as those examining insects, microbes, and the soil food web. The committee planning the exhibit include Master Gardeners Karen Colburn and Alice Sheppard, together with librarian Tammera Race.