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Newton's Laws image
Grade Level: 5-8


This Traveling Trunk explains and demonstrates Isaac Newton's Three Laws of Motion using instruments provided: The Inertia Balance Apparatus, the Second Law of Motion Apparatus, the Center of Gravity Paradox Apparatus, and the Centripetal Force, the Mini Dynamics Apparatus and the Newton's Cradle. Activities vary in difficulty, but all allow for students to experience hands-on experiments and observations.
Designer: Andrea Elliott (UMPI education graduate 2001)
History: Designed in 2001 for the Northern Maine Museum of Science Travelling Trunks Library from grant monies received from Maine School of Math and Science for NASA-related educational projects.

Educational Content

The Newton's Laws trunk was designed using the following guidelines established by the Maine State Learning Results

Science and Technology 5-8

I1. Describe the motion of objects using knowledge of Newton's Laws
I2. Use mathematics to describe the motion of objects (i.e. speed, distance, time and acceleration)


Notebook: MSLR support, lessons plans, assessment, etc.


"Methods of Motion - Introduction to Mechanics, Book One" National Science Teacher's Association ISBN 0-87355-085-4

"Awesome Experiments in Force and Motion" Michael DiSpezio ISBN 0-8069-9822-9

"Toys in Space - Exploring Science with the Astronauts" Carolyn Sumners ISBN 0-07-069489-3

Center of Gravity Apparatus
Variable Inertia Apparatus
Centripetal Force Apparatus
Second Law of Motion Apparatus
Mini Dynamics Apparatus
Inertial Balance Apparatus
Swinging Wonder/Newton's Cradle
Bill Nye's Gyro Apparatus
6 spring scales
1 stopwatch

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